objective 4.11 understand the biological consequences of pollution of air by sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide
1. sulphur dioxide
*sulphur dioxide and water vapour (in the clouds) --> sulphuric acid
*sulphuric acid falls as acid rain
*acid rain affects plants and animals.
*trees are burned by the acid, so they die, the acid gets into the soil and this causes magnesium ions and calcium ions to be leached out of the soil so the trees cannot reach them, the trees leaves yellow and the tree dies.
*the precipitation of acid rain, it gets into streams and rivers and lowers the pH, to acid levels. this increases aluminium ions, which cause the thickening of the mucus which lines the fish gills, which reduces the fishes ability to take oxygen so in the end the fish suffocates and dies.
2 carbon monoxide
caused when fossil fuels (coal and GAS) are burned with insufficient levels of oxygen.
fossil fuels -->(insufficient oxygen)--> CO
CO combines with haemoglobin in red blood cells to make carbino haemoglobin, which blocks haemoglobin from carrying oxygen which reduces the circulation of oxygen arounf the body
CO is TOXIC, and is often FATAL. it causes the body to suffocate.
1. sulphur dioxide
*sulphur dioxide as a gas is released into the atmosphere when there is combustion of fossil fuels. this often occurs in factories and vehicles (oil and petrol)
*suplhur dioxide = SO2*sulphur dioxide and water vapour (in the clouds) --> sulphuric acid
*sulphuric acid falls as acid rain
*acid rain affects plants and animals.
*trees are burned by the acid, so they die, the acid gets into the soil and this causes magnesium ions and calcium ions to be leached out of the soil so the trees cannot reach them, the trees leaves yellow and the tree dies.
*the precipitation of acid rain, it gets into streams and rivers and lowers the pH, to acid levels. this increases aluminium ions, which cause the thickening of the mucus which lines the fish gills, which reduces the fishes ability to take oxygen so in the end the fish suffocates and dies.
2 carbon monoxide
caused when fossil fuels (coal and GAS) are burned with insufficient levels of oxygen.
fossil fuels -->(insufficient oxygen)--> CO
CO combines with haemoglobin in red blood cells to make carbino haemoglobin, which blocks haemoglobin from carrying oxygen which reduces the circulation of oxygen arounf the body
CO is TOXIC, and is often FATAL. it causes the body to suffocate.
The 'burning' is often associated with what is known as dry deposition. Will cover this in class